Cell Imaging: A Micro to Macro Adventure

Cell Imaging: A Micro to Macro Adventure

Bensu Sıla Çelik T., Elif Duymaz E. Derived from the ancient Greek words micros (small) and skopein (seeing/looking), the microscope was invented in 1600 as an optical system that aims to make invisible cells and tissues visible1,2. Robert Hooke's first observations...

 Viruses and Genetic Diversity

 Viruses and Genetic Diversity

Zehra Nur KoyuncuT., Ebru KavaklıE. Genetic variation is the fundamental mechanism of evolution and provides a basis for organisms to overcome environmental challenges1. When these factors are considered, genetic variations essential for all biological systems are...

Overview of Deep Learning and Genomics Uses

Overview of Deep Learning and Genomics Uses

Elif DuymazA.. , Fatma DuranE. Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms capable of instantiating different aspects of human intelligence1. Initially proposed by McCulloch and Pitts and inspired by the...

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